By cass - 10/05/2016 18:37 - United States

Today, is my high school graduation. Last night I read online that you can use apple cider vinegar to help with head dandruff, so I tried it out. Now, no matter how much product or perfume I use, I still smell like a giant walking fart. My graduation is in a couple of hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 645
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

just wash your hair next time...


Apple cider vinegar is meant to be used as a diluted rinse. You rinse your scalp with it, and then shampoo and conditioner as normal. You could also use coconut oil and let that sit on your head for a few hours then wash because most likely you have a dry scalp or a fungus. ACV is used on horses for rain rot so if you have a fungus at least you know it'll clear it right up!


Mathalamus 24

just wash your hair next time...

just washing doesn't always help. I have a really bad skin condition that causes my hair to get dandruff and washing alone doesn't work. next time OP should try hydrating the scalp before and after. olive oil before , leave in conditioner after

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Or, if you want to do something like this, don't do it the night before something important.

awildwhisper 30

Baking soda cancels out the smell of vinegar.

I've used apple cider vinegar in my own hair and you're supposed to wash it out afterwards, not put perfume on top of it.

Op never said they didn't. I myself have a bed dandruff problem and have to get a prescription for the shampoo I use which is very expensive. If I use anything off the shelf it actually makes the problem worse.

Cider-man, Cider-man Smelling like shit, cuz he can

Head & shoulders wasn't enough for you eh?


Apple cider vinegar is meant to be used as a diluted rinse. You rinse your scalp with it, and then shampoo and conditioner as normal. You could also use coconut oil and let that sit on your head for a few hours then wash because most likely you have a dry scalp or a fungus. ACV is used on horses for rain rot so if you have a fungus at least you know it'll clear it right up!

You are only meant use a tiny little bit plus lots of water!

The fact that you're even graduating baffles me, but we all have slips of mind.

This is the rudest comment I've ever seen. You're delusional.

ABlindMan 17

9 - The fact that you think because someone accidentally misused a household remedy they shouldn't graduate baffles me. "Oh hey that guy didn't use vinegar in his laundry to remove the smell properly, I wonder how he graduated college". Congratulations on all the dislikes though.

Lmao, and according to the internet, apple cider vinegar also cures cancer...

Well its actually shown that having some vinegar with each meal controls your blood sugar better than the leading medication for type 2 diabetes

no, apple cider vinegar does not cure diabetes. Drinking a fuckload of it lowers your blood sugar for a few points for a small amount of time. It does not touch the etiology, which is insulin receptors (lack of them or they don't work). So, no, apple cider vinegar doesn't cure that.

calara16 1

Lol I'm pretty sure nobody said that apple cider vinegar heals diabetes

dupot420 9

Everything you read online isn't true.