By Girl-with-the-glasses - 11/04/2012 07:34 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I found out about my old school's class reunion, which I wasn't invited to. Everyone has my number and e-mail address. They just "forgot" to tell me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 856
You deserved it 2 865

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were probably "the smelly one" of the class. Every class has one of them.

7- I am referring to a chronic bad smell. For example, that person that never brushed their teeth, washed their hair, always wore the same set of clothes, and had gaping shoes. And being in the gym doesn't make you a smelly person. I still wash my hair, brush my teeth, shower a minimum of once per day, and have good hygiene. Yes gymning may temporarily make you a bit sweaty, but I always wear deodorant and aftershave anyway. Anyways, enough of this long rant, my point is there's a difference between smelly people and exercising. Lastly, I know OP probably wasn't the smelly one, rather, she was the one with glasses.


siickman 7

The movie will be funny but your comment is irrelevant to the FML... Thats why you get thumbed down

xoconnie 8

OUCH, thats gotta hurt.. either they hate you or actually forgot, but im leaning towards the hate you. :( but whatever, WHY would u want to spend time with people who forget to tell you something like that? move on and dont give them a second glance!

It's alright OP. Either you attended school with some serious jerks, or everyone thinks you suck. I hope it's the first one.

Yea this is what happened in the new American Pie so this comment is not irrelevant

You were probably "the smelly one" of the class. Every class has one of them.

snowmount07 6

Dude, you're calling OP smelly? Your picture is you in the gym!

Yeah except smelling bad in while in the gym is kinda inevitable..

ifoundalaska 11

7 are you suggesting everyone just stops exercising to avoid smelling bad?

7- I am referring to a chronic bad smell. For example, that person that never brushed their teeth, washed their hair, always wore the same set of clothes, and had gaping shoes. And being in the gym doesn't make you a smelly person. I still wash my hair, brush my teeth, shower a minimum of once per day, and have good hygiene. Yes gymning may temporarily make you a bit sweaty, but I always wear deodorant and aftershave anyway. Anyways, enough of this long rant, my point is there's a difference between smelly people and exercising. Lastly, I know OP probably wasn't the smelly one, rather, she was the one with glasses.

Since I can't remember a smelly one in my class, does that mean I'm the smelly one?

Wow that sucks, did u do something they didnt like.. Or just how u are?

xXxIracebethxXx 14

Oh, I'm doing fantastic. Thanks for asking! :)

So they can keep in touch, use your head!

I was born in Scotland so I shan't retaliate to your rudeness on this occasion.

Or she was a real **** and got laid a lot.

20 - I apologize because you are Scottish, on this occasion.

Guess you could say I got off.. Scott free pahahahaha.

31, your eggs looks like a bear giving me the finger! :O **I picture things in clouds too.

LOL I've been trying to find the bear for about 5 minutes to no avail. It's mash potato by the way.

Thelastavailable is Scottish on all occasions.

klovemachine 24

Have your own reunion and "forget" to invite them!

Or send them a cake and "forget" to give them the antidote.

truegirl21 2

That would be no one would be there right? If she forgot to invite them

Wow, I guess high school drama never really dies. Sorry OP but screw them

perdix 29

Boys don't make passes At girls who wear glasses ;) Usually, people go out of their way to bring the fat, ugly losers to the class reunion so they look thin and pretty by comparison.

Never, ever underestimate the librarian looking chicks.

Yeah bro. There are some girls that rock the glasses and are a solid 9.

perdix 29

Guys, that's just a saying. It's not my personal motto. Some girls look great in glasses. They find it odd that I want them to keep them on when we're "doing it ." ;)

Well done sir well done. I raise my taco to you.

Guys have a naughty school teacher thing going. I get told constantly that my glasses are sexy. Perhaps not in this avatar though. Hmmmmmm...

Just because she has glasses, it doesn't make her smart.

That sucks OP. Maybe just show up anyway?