By alsayslegit - 25/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I was at a party, and I sat down on a chair. While conversing with friends, I shifted places on the chair, and broke it. Embarrassed, I then stood up and change chairs. After moving to the next chair, I broke that one too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 198
You deserved it 21 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A lot of gyms are having discounts this time of year. Just putting it out there.

It's only FYL if the chairs were in bad condition to begin with. If it was your weight caused it, then you might need to make some lifestyle changes...


waddermelon 0

I broke a chair once, i was rocking back and forth on it ( 5'5 , 90 )

I don't know what kind of response you expected, but seriously, LOSE SOME ******* WEIGHT. Also, to all those morons who are responding with "omg don't be so mean", get a reality check. You're the reason that fatasses like this don't get healthy, because they have ******* idiot friends who tell them shit like "oh you're just big boned" or "there's more of you to love". If you can't sit on furniture without wrecking it, you need to start jogging.

1st time the OP broke the chair raises the suspicions about OP being fat and obesed, 2nd chair she broke... Yes she is, Confirmed.

1st time the OP broke the chair raises the suspicions about OP being fat and obesed, 2nd chair she broke... Yes she is, Confirmed.

scott_m319 0

Exercise is always healthy, but you don't have to be fat to break a chair. I'm six foot three and weigh roughly 190 pounds. Reasonable weight and I still broke a chair one time. It was an auditorium seat in my high school. A bolt was loose and the back simply fell open as I sat down. Nobody ever complained.

hassenpfeffermmm 0

You should feel good about yourself for giving your friends something to laugh about!

chocolaholic 0