By Umlungu23 - 18/02/2019 00:00

Today, during my lunch break, I sat on the manager's chair. As I sat down, I heard a snapping sound and I ended up on the floor. Everyone now calls me "the lumpy girl" who broke the manager's chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 048
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bloopaloop 27

Lump sat alone in the managers chair, totally broke it with an ass like bear. She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, she is well fed. She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, the chair is dead.

manb91uk 22

Well... Are you going to sit there and take that?


manb91uk 22

Well... Are you going to sit there and take that?

bloopaloop 27

Lump sat alone in the managers chair, totally broke it with an ass like bear. She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, she is well fed. She's lump, she's lump, she's lump, the chair is dead.

If your manager were in the chair at the time, you’d have a whole ‘nother nickname.

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14

That’s horrible! I really hope your coworkers remember that you’re a person too.

Using a racist word as your username.... I think YDI this