By Jessch15 - 13/01/2012 12:45 - United States

Today, a guy took me to meet his parents on a second date. I stopped answering his calls afterwards, but he's just left me a voice-mail informing me that he's in love with me. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 229
You deserved it 8 942

Jessch15 tells us more.

Im the one who posted this... to all the people calling me a bitch, there was a lot more to the story that I couldnt include in because of the text limit. We just didnt have alot in common, the more I got to know him the weirder he got and he was getting clingy very quickly. Plus his parents were freak, tried to prevent me from leaving their house at one point and freaked me out. OF COURSE I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. Was just trying to figure out what to say when he called and left that voicemail. Since I have talked to him and broke it off and he seemed to understand. Then he begin harrassing me via phone calls and text and today he showed up at my work. Ive had to change me phone number and co workers have told me since i left work he has been back asking for me and they had to call the cops becuase he was refusing to leave and got violent with my boss. Im not a bitch.

Top comments

You stopped answering his calls, just like that, without even telling him you weren't interested in dating him any more? Why? How do you expect him to react to that? As far as he knows, you're still interested but temporarily not near your phone.


Lindahhxd 7

Tell him you have enough hoes to put under your wing.

WallyTheWombat 0

That's pretty creepy. MAYBEEE you should pick up the phone and explain the situation to him and kindly ask him to leave you alone. Or you can always change your number.

xoconnie 8

hmmm that sucks. i guess uve gotta call and try to explain? :/

Be honest...he will keep calling otherwise. Gotta b cruel to b kind!

nonamericandolla 6

U sock! That poor guy! And it's not creepy at all!

#103, I hope you're being sarcastic, it's very creepy! And calling someone a sock is a bit uncalled for! That's harsh my friend!

littlenumber8 - Or he may keep calling despite her telling him no.

I've experienced that. He wanted to take me the first time too! He would fill up my voice messages. He even told me to delete all my voice messages because he can't leave me anymore. He told me he's going to buy a ring, I told him not to call me. He called still!!! I met him at school and was scared to go back on campas!!!

Werken247 14

#103 typing out his FML: Today, I went on the second date with the girl I love, afterwards I took her to meet my parents. Then she stopped returning my calls. I left her a voice mail telling her how much I love her, now she's changed her number. FML

Take you? Image in intercourse? I don't blame him your beautiful ...

Im the one who posted this... to all the people calling me a bitch, there was a lot more to the story that I couldnt include in because of the text limit. We just didnt have alot in common and he was getting clingy very quickly. Of course I talked to him about it. Was just trying to figure out what to say when he called and left that voicemail. Since I have talked to him and broke it off and he seemed to understand. Then he begin harrassing me via phone calls and text and today he showed up at my work. Ive had to change me phone number and co workers have told me since i left work he has been back asking for me and they had to call the cops. Im not a bitch.

Im the one who posted this... to all the people calling me a bitch, there was a lot more to the story that I couldnt include in because of the text limit. We just didnt have alot in common, the more I got to know him the weirder he got and he was getting clingy very quickly. Plus his parents were freak, tried to prevent me from leaving their house at one point and freaked me out. OF COURSE I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. Was just trying to figure out what to say when he called and left that voicemail. Since I have talked to him and broke it off and he seemed to understand. Then he begin harrassing me via phone calls and text and today he showed up at my work. Ive had to change me phone number and co workers have told me since i left work he has been back asking for me and they had to call the cops becuase he was refusing to leave and got violent with my boss. Im not a bitch.

Im the one who posted this... to all the people calling me a bitch, there was a lot more to the story that I couldnt include in because of the text limit. We just didnt have alot in common, the more I got to know him the weirder he got and he was getting clingy very quickly. Plus his parents were freak, tried to prevent me from leaving their house at one point and freaked me out. OF COURSE I TALKED TO HIM ABOUT IT. Was just trying to figure out what to say when he called and left that voicemail. Since I have talked to him and broke it off and he seemed to understand. Then he begin harrassing me via phone calls and text and today he showed up at my work. Ive had to change me phone number and co workers have told me since i left work he has been back asking for me and they had to call the cops becuase he was refusing to leave and got violent with my boss. Im not a bitch.

GovernorGeneral 8

Lol. Does the fml team just there reading and waiing for a stupid comment or whatever to come up? So you coul delete it? Im kinda confused as o how it works...

You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!

Marcella1016 31

Lol I'm thinking of the badass gingerbread man from Shrek

It's the muffin man that lives on drury lane, not the gingerbread man. Didn't you watch Shrek?

12dcevin 5

Or, instead of ignoring the guy give him The decency of a reply. I'm not saying he's not creepy but just maby letting him knw you feel differently, it will likely stop him from doing anything else. If that doesn't work, then run.

guys can't think straight when they have blue balls. kindly tell him to go rub one out and he'll instantly be more rational

Ouch! Sounds like someone is a bit clingy, keep in mind that if a guy comes on to you too strongly, then you'll need a good clean towel. But seriously, I wouldn't go near his parents. If he's in love with you after the first date, then obviously those 'parents' of his have done something horrible! Best not break bread with them, (among other things).

It only reached creeper status, you should be ok.

fire118 0

You must have some pretty good stuff

TheDrifter 23

If op put out on the first date and just stopped answering after the second he might just think she didn't pay her bill. That or he's outside her window right now.

Defo stay away from that guy, he'll have insane jealousy too

...she IS staying away from him. He's not leaving her alone. That's the FML...

wildsweetchild 19

Creeper alert ...desperation in it's finest.

It's friday the 13th you better be scared

Maybe you should just answer his calls and tell him it's moving too fast? Rather than just ignoring him and being a complete bitch

Change your number ASAP and try not to have any contact with him whatsoever..

And turn him into a crazy stalker? No thanks.

oneontheway 0

He knows where she lives!! Changing my number would be the least of y worries!!

Good points.. I don't really have much trust these days, I'm really frightened of getting stalked so I don't really have a place to say anything, it probably won't be elpful

MeLuvBewbs 7

Why don't u like him? We can't really say anything about this.

Exactly. Especially if he is rich :DD if not drop him!!

Because he's obviously a clinger? He took her to meet his parents on their second date. That's ridiculous and weird.

Maybe he thought his family would Love you as he apparently already does? Yep, stay away...