By Oblivious - 25/09/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, I fell off my desk chair. Why? I failed to notice that the screws I'd been finding on the floor around my room for the past few months belonged to said chair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 504
You deserved it 32 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O my god, your life totally sucks now. :rolleyes:

Hahaha. I've done that a couple times.. the chair didn't fall apart though. I just uhmm..fell over? ;D


lol... hope you saved them, so you can fix the chair.

sublime93 0

You fell off your desk chair, big ******* deal.

I know eh? I really hope this ditz cracked her skull.

You're screwed. (BAHAHA) Go jump out of a plane now, chained to the faulty chair.

DiscountDJ25 0

OP's "Oh Shit!" moment is brought to you by floors! ...And IKEA desk chairs.

sukhdeep 4

what? said chair wow op just wow

you should huff paint before the ewing's tumor sets in

Oh look! Another visit from the Screw Fairy!

O my god, your life totally sucks now. :rolleyes:

Let's hope your fat ass doesn't continue to displace the screws once you get it fixed.

Should've seen that coming, rofl. YDI. :P

Hahaha. I've done that a couple times.. the chair didn't fall apart though. I just uhmm..fell over? ;D

hahaha, I wouldn't say our life sucks, but your chair's life sucks.

Hahahaha. This just brightened my day :)

MMMmm Where do these screws come from??? They fall from the sky! Im sure its nothing important...

Seriously, what a freaking idiot. Oh gee, look a bunch of random screws. Instead of looking around near where I found it to try to find where it came from, I'll assume that it's nothing important. Oh look, my desk chair fell apart. Gee, I guess that must've been the source afterall and not the screw fairy like I thought.

"Oh gee let me speak from the perspective of someone I think is stupid so I feel better about myself, oh gee I guess ill just continue to live in obscurity after this website shuts down. Oh gee poptarts for dinner again? Oh gee..."

Sun_Kissed18 25

Whats up your ass PSyesinthatway?