By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 23:18 - United States

Today, I was fired from the trucking company I work for, due to numerous complaints about my reckless driving. I don't even do driving work there, but my ex keeps calling in to report me, and my boss wanted the calls to stop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 811
You deserved it 3 369

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This just isn't right. You can't be fired for faults you could not even commit. Sue the bitch for harassment and your boss for unlawful termination or whatever it is called.

Oh and OP? Get a restraining order already.


This just isn't right. You can't be fired for faults you could not even commit. Sue the bitch for harassment and your boss for unlawful termination or whatever it is called.

Yeah, it's completely the wrong thing for his boss to do! Just because the guy has a stupid ex, he gets fired by his unthinking boss.

Pretty much a picture perfect example of slander. Unfortunately it only can be pursued in civil court, but it is definitely grounds to do so. You sir, just got yourself an alimony income :)

JeterArmy 0

took the words outa my mouth thats wrong go get a lawyer

you can be legally fired for any reason whatsoever where I live, and even for no reason.

PlagueofFiction 20

That's unfair dismissal. You should definitely take this to court.

sucks sorry. my ex is super crazy too

john7h567hgrd 0

That bitch must have been hardcore harrassing your boss for him to fire YOU! I wouldn't SUE,but maybe thretean it.

nice pict lol ur not old enough to smoke ( but neither am I )

Boss probably got tired of all the drama. It doesn't make it right but it's kind of understandable.

Oh and OP? Get a restraining order already.

Wow that's not fair. Couldn't your boss tell her to stop calling?

well at least you have free healthcare

irishman1733 0

actually they can't fire you for something you didn't do and you need to file harassment charges on your ex

sallen0046 4

Actually, they can. Massachusetts is an "at-will" employment state. In such states, employment can be terminated at any time for any reason, with, or without notice. A decent boss would have said something let the employee begin legal action, but being legal and being decent are two very different things.