Party pooper

By jeremyr5678 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I was at a really big party and everyone was showing off by flipping into the pool one by one. When it was my go, I attempted a back flip, cracked my head open on the side of the pool, and was rushed to hospital. Now everyone hates me cause the party was forced to shut down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 924
You deserved it 4 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you know how to do backflips and this just went horribly wrong, FYL. If you don't know how to backflip and you did it because others were doing it, then it's sort of both FYL and YDI. I'm not sure.

So sorry that happened to you, really, and that they were so low about empathy. But you probably shouldn't "attempt" a stunt like that just because others are doing so.


Showing off stupid stunts rarely ends well. People have died doing what you did.

noonenoeone 22

People have died doing just about everything, what's your point? Gotta learn to backflip somehow, we aren't born with that ability...

Yeah, but plenty of things don't have a risk of spinal damage/paralysis either...

So sorry that happened to you, really, and that they were so low about empathy. But you probably shouldn't "attempt" a stunt like that just because others are doing so.

If you know how to do backflips and this just went horribly wrong, FYL. If you don't know how to backflip and you did it because others were doing it, then it's sort of both FYL and YDI. I'm not sure.

neuronerd 28

Glad you seem to be basically ok, since you're able to post this. While it may seem fun, stunts like that are rarely a good idea, and it's probably good things got shut down before something worse happened. A guy from my graduating class in high school became a quadriplegic after pulling a stunt like that at a party. He had been a promising athlete.

Not surprised they were pissed, OP. There were ankles to sprain, pelvises to shatter, and necks to snap, but YOU cracked your head before the main events could kick off!

If they're more worried about their stupid party than your head, you're better off with new friends anyway.

Oh my god, I just want to say are you OK now??

cootiequeen4444 11

No, they are not okay. They are in a coma. They are "ghostwriting" this FML with the help of a third party, a person whom can hear them but not see them. It ought to be a movie.

Don't mind does people shutting you don't for asking a good question and one that was addressed to Op ONLY.

species4872 19

Stupid is as stupid does. There's always one.

zeffra13 31

Unless you're amazing at backflipping into a pool, you really should only practice it from a diving board. There's a much lower chance of hitting your head on that and the damage wouldn't be as bad.

aleast they didn't leave you or push you on the side so just they can continue