By Dude_Stop - 27/03/2017 18:00

Today, I was hanging out with my friends when I tripped and a chair rolled over my foot, breaking a bone. A friend, who didn't believe me, then dogpiled on top of me and laughed as I screamed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 250
You deserved it 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Burle 17

Damn, what kind of chair? Game of thrones throne chair?

woah man, they were joking when they said break a leg.


woah man, they were joking when they said break a leg.

Burle 17

Damn, what kind of chair? Game of thrones throne chair?

It was one of those heavy office chairs. It sucked, man.

It was one of those heavy office chairs. It sucked, man.

Lovely friend. Hope they apologized profusely and got you a gift (or did something special) once they figured out you were, in fact, injured.