By good-samaritan-fail - 06/10/2009 15:56 - Australia

Today, I was at a music festival when a group of idiots decided to push over a port-a-loo (portable toilet). I rushed over and tried to hold it up to save the person inside from a very messy and embarrasing scene. Not only did the door open, covering me in excrement, but there was no-one inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 155
You deserved it 9 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your attempt at being a nice person went down the toilet.

omg that really sucks! at least you were trying to be a good citizen


lol@"port-a-loo" other than that, hey at least you were helping

cheapsheep_fml 0

don't you just hate it when this type of shit happens?

man, you know life must hate you when something like that happens. sorry that it DID happen, however :(

The path to hell is paved with good intentions.

LeStab 4

lmao not at the op cause that blows but the guy who is like its called a porta-john lol is he really that egotistical to think that what he calls it is the only name for it lol

So, good Samaritan, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb. (No, you don't win anything for getting the reference.)

xenomorph 0

A note to the concert organizers: port-a-johns should **never** be anywhere near a mosh pit! For instance, there's another FML here:

Parklife? Should have tried to get all the sniffer dogs to lick the poo off you :(