By good-samaritan-fail - 06/10/2009 15:56 - Australia

Today, I was at a music festival when a group of idiots decided to push over a port-a-loo (portable toilet). I rushed over and tried to hold it up to save the person inside from a very messy and embarrasing scene. Not only did the door open, covering me in excrement, but there was no-one inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 155
You deserved it 9 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess your attempt at being a nice person went down the toilet.

omg that really sucks! at least you were trying to be a good citizen


parklife O9 ! woo it was the worst weather the day it was in sydney :( hope you atleast had fun before this happened

Was a great day hey! Weather was lovely in Perth, 25C and sunny :) Heaps of fun before AND after hahaha. By that stage I was like... ok that was horribly gross but f*ck it! Wash it off and party on! haha

that was really nice of you you will get something in return. karma will come back to those idiots

theshad 0

woo parklife melbourne - awesome line up

YDI for being a newfag, and spoiling one of the greatest pranks ever

iloveTheMiz 0

YDI. It wasn't really any of your business if there was a person inside to save.

Stop being a advocate for justice and just do you.

hateevryone 14

and why did you feel the need to step in and be superman??

Of course the OP does not deserve it! Could have been really embarrassing if someone was inside!