By Camera - 17/04/2015 04:56 - United States - Rancho Santa Margarita

Today, I had to get a colonoscopy. Which wouldn't have been so bad if they had removed the camera from my rectum before waking me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 436
You deserved it 2 178

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Rectum? I hardly knew 'em!!" On a more sensible note - that sucks, hopefully they removed it pretty quickly after you made them aware of it.


martin8337 35

s.s. is a worn out pun in the FML universe.

No, so I knew someone was going to say it eventually. I just got it out of the way early.

I'm wondering when it would come to the point where using "a shitty situation" actually starts to get upvotes just because the commentor was ballsy enough to use the phrase that everyone used to hate considerably and instantly downvote.

nearly as bad as "what a pain in the arse"...

#18 - We need an opposite day on FML where we bury all the good comments and only upvote terrible puns.

Xela77 10

#34 probably thinks it's already opposite day.

*cringes*I AM SORRY I can feel the pain here now..

"Rectum? I hardly knew 'em!!" On a more sensible note - that sucks, hopefully they removed it pretty quickly after you made them aware of it.

Insert lame and overused shit puns below

I find these kind of comments more overused. :/

Shh, he's trying to make a comment that gets upvotes but has zero relevance to the fml, leave him be!

MedChew 19

You're lucky they even put you to sleep for a colonoscopy. In my country, you are fully conscious during a colonoscopy

I'm having one this weekend. Reading this makes me feel fantastic.

Honestly 35, just take an Advil beforehand. Nothing painful about it! Awkward yes. Uncomfortable, yes. But painful? Not in the slightest.

Pfft, why does anyone get put to sleep? In my country, no-one is put to sleep, although it is the norm to be sedated so a bit woozy throughout. I didn't feel like having the effects later in the day, and I wanted to walk home myself, so I did mine non-sedated. Did need to get gas through one painful moment, but otherwise it wasn't a problem at all!

I was put to sleep during mine and it went well (well, as good as it can go since I was like 11-13 and had to have one to see what was wrong with me). The prep was just the worst part for me, not eating then that horrible drink I had to drink that ruined anything orange flavoured for me..

I've had colonoscopy's and endoscopy's (down the throat into the stomach) when I was a kid, and they put you to sleep for that. When you're an adult they sedate you so your groggy and sleep through it. However, the meds I'm on counteract with the sedation, so I was completely 100% awake for my colonoscopy, which wasn't bad, as well as the endoscopy (down the throat into the stomach) which was horrible and terrifying. The colonoscopy is easy, it's uncomfortable, but not painful at all. The gas afterwards is uncomfortable, but the worst part, as someone said, is the stuff you have to drink that clears you out before hand. You take this stuff the day before and it tastes awful giving you the runs and gas pain and then you can't eat and get shaky. Not fun.

The same in mine. I was fully awake and not given anything sedative or anything. It's the worst pain I've ever felt, so the people who say it doesn't hurt, I envy your experience. Mine was awful! I hope I never have to do it again.

Dang OP your doctor's office sounds like a quack I can't believe they forgot to take it out that's just ridiculous. I would file a complaint with the office.

They didn't forget, he just woke up too soon. Learn to read

Eliseopwns 22

Damn, if only this site had a convenient way, like a button or something, to express such sentiments :T

We can but dream, #15, we can but dream

now you know if you clean enough! im sorry though i dont believe thatd be nice to see

That sounds like it was a pain in the ass. In all seriousness, it really sucks that happened. I can't imagine the pain (or awkwardness) of that situation.