By iFail - 25/12/2009 05:18 - United States

Today, I waited anxiously until midnight to open my Christmas presents. As the clock struck midnight, I ran out into the living room, super-excited to open them, only to discover that everyone in our house had already opened theirs, and had all gone to bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 979
You deserved it 5 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darkblue_13 0

is there no communication in your house? don't you open presents together? why would you open presents at midnight by yourself?


flashback.miss 28

the early bird catches the worm, and you got the bird...

i dont get the american obsession with christmass i personally hate christmass and only open the presents cause its a fun celebration with family.. how can they be so selfish to not even wake you up...

Oh man! That sucks!! I'm sorry you live with such lame people :(

lickmyjock 0

LOL! Nice. At least you aren't still at work like I am.

newsgit 0

**** with their presents as payback.

WTF? Why don't you open your presents together? That just shows that getting presents at x-man is all about getting, not giving. So f-cking selfish of you and your family! YDI

xsuicidal_memori 0

I'm assuming op meant that they usually open presents all together, but this year her family didn't tell her they were opening presents before midnight, so it's not necessarily their fault

Yeah, screw people who like opening presents on Christmas. We're all horrible people who deserve to have shitty stuff happen to us. That or you're an idiotic jerk. One of the two.

Why would your family do that and not come & get you? That just doesn't really make any sense...I'm finding it a little hard to believe. But perhaps you just have an asshole family.

darkblue_13 0

is there no communication in your house? don't you open presents together? why would you open presents at midnight by yourself?

YDI for not spending christmaseve together obviously