By Ruinedchristmas - 28/11/2014 18:07 - United States - Wrightsville

Today, I came home after doing some Black Friday shopping for Christmas presents. I told my husband I got the must-have toy our daughter has been dying for. As soon as I said it, I heard squealing and turned around to see her standing right behind me. There goes the surprise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 573
You deserved it 13 909

Same thing different taste

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Well it's still okay to wrap it up and hide it until Christmas. I'm sure she is happy to have a family that loves her and gets her what she wants at times .


Agreed, If I was the OP, I would've checked to make sure she wasn't around before saying anything.

Well it's still okay to wrap it up and hide it until Christmas. I'm sure she is happy to have a family that loves her and gets her what she wants at times .

She's going to be excited for Christmas! You probably should have made sure she wasn't around though.

if you didn't say the actual toy and just said the "must-have toy," you have a chance to front like it's the wrong toy. she will be happier when she finds out it is actually what she wanted!

Well at least she'll have fun with it, what did you get her?

If she's really little, she might've already forgotten about the present! Or just say it's for someone else and then surprise her on Christmas!

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My parents always gave me one special toy early to tie me over before Christmas. It made that gift extra special and stood out. Christmas was sometimes overwhelming because 10/15 great gifts were difficult to decide what to play with first. I plan to pass that same tradition down.

My parents did something similar, but we did 10 days of Christmas. One great gift on the first day and small gifts up until Christmas eve.

All we do is have Christmas dinner, get the odd present and then bugger off again. I'd like to have those traditions.

isn't it nice that your life is so good that this situation is considered an fml moment?