By dogh8er - 18/12/2011 19:31 - United States

Today, after spending hours wrapping the presents for Christmas, I came back into the room to find that my dog had lost his toy, knocked over all the presents, and was frantically ripping at everything to find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 126
You deserved it 3 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adropofpeace 8
DontModMeDammit 10

My fat cat just enjoys laying on all the presents and crushing anything fragile in the process.


adropofpeace 8

He was just trying to open his presents early this year.

He was just trying to find a better toy?

Hey, wrapping presents is part of the fun! (:

I live in Texas bro, it's never really too cold here. I'm just the type of person who doesn't want to co-habitate with an animal, any animal.

Well have fun wrapping them again! And I hope your dog found his toy.

yumlicious 4

I'm so happy for professional gift wrapping.

ImD3vin 6

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You three aren't the fan favorite, I see...

flockz 19

or option 4, i give you all a hug. i know it sounds ******* terrible, and who wouldn't want to be Doc's personal experiment, but i just thought maybe you guys need more choices.

jillianmathers12 13

Can I say something offensive, so I could get all 3?

ThatLooksSticky 16

OPs name IS "dogh8er." He might take your advice.

His response isn't surprising if you look at his profile. it says he eats babies

Damn it! He probably did that on purpose!! Did you have a present for him or not?!

Poor dog. It was an act of desperation. Don't be mad. Tell your dog Santa will understand

bmboente15 0

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bertoelmexicano 6

Hey! I live in a suburb of Minneapolis! I've passed by that place before

bmboente15 0

Haha drop in babe. But I get a little crazy sometimes

DontModMeDammit 10

My fat cat just enjoys laying on all the presents and crushing anything fragile in the process.