By MenstrualCrampsRuinedMyAcademicFuture - 25/07/2017 19:00 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, I vomitted on an Oxford professor during my first university interview. They called me "little miss nervous" in my second interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 203
You deserved it 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You puked on a first interview and got a second one? Damn, I’ve nailed first interviews and didn’t even get a call back. Now, I know what I did wrong!


SpaceToast 25

At least you're memorable, and got a second interview! You must be pretty impressive OP!

You puked on a first interview and got a second one? Damn, I’ve nailed first interviews and didn’t even get a call back. Now, I know what I did wrong!

Clearly, you didn't nail the first interview if you never got a call back.

Obviously! I neglected to vomit on the first interviewer! Rookie mistake.

Oh dear I know what stress can do especially when it's an important interview for a university! Well at least you got a second interview! Best of luck!Hope you get a seat! Do let us know!

Stress coupled with menstrual cramps, apparently!

yes the name says so...Well some women get very painful periods (dysmenorrhea) and symptoms can include nausea and vomiting. Add the stress of the interview, it's pretty understandable.

At least you got called in FOR. A second interview!

ncparry 18

There is the bright side that you did receive that second interview!

asemeara 4

At least they considered you for another interview!