Trolled by technology

By Rightswiper - 26/07/2017 05:00 - South Africa

Today, as soon as I put my card into an ATM, the words "Out of Order" popped up and it would not return my card. Since I was at the bank, I got a free replacement. Trying to draw money again the second machine did the same thing and a third card costs more than what I have in my account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 594
You deserved it 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why didn't you make your withdrawal while you were inside getting your replacement card?

I guess I just don't understand why they would replace your card the first time free of charge but then turn around and make you pay for a replacement card the second time if it's due to their faulty machine. Unless they told you not to use the ATM after the first time and you used it anyways??


Why didn't you make your withdrawal while you were inside getting your replacement card?

My bank in the USA would let me. My bank in China requires that I have use a card in the ATM. I imagine OP has to do the same thing.

Some banks (if not all in this country) charge a higher withdrawal fee if done from a teller instead of the ATM.

I guess I just don't understand why they would replace your card the first time free of charge but then turn around and make you pay for a replacement card the second time if it's due to their faulty machine. Unless they told you not to use the ATM after the first time and you used it anyways??

If the machine is faulty, then why would you need to replace the card at all? Just try a different machine or ask the teller to make a withdrawal of your account.

when you withdraw money from an atm your card goes into the machine and comes back out after the transaction. if you put your card into the atm and then it says out of order you cant get it back out so you have to replace it

corky1992 33

why didn't you just pull money out when you were at the bank getting a replacement card? that would have made so much more sense to do

Loans can be risky. Defaults are possible. Selling ATM cards for a machine that eats them is pure profit!

zeffra13 31

They should be able to get the card out whenever they access the machine to add cash or take care of checks. This happened to a friend once (not at the bank's ATM though) & they said they could get her card back in a few days. I think some machines are set to auto shred cards if you enter your PIN wrong too many times, so I hope that's not the case here due to the malfunction.


What do broke people go to do in ATM??

I just don't get why you didn't go 'oh and can I pull cash out while I'm standing here and you are giving me a new card' that way you had ID and proof of who you were and your account.

Doesn't out of order mean there's something wrong with the machine and not your card?

It's like getting as far as the ATM about to dish the money out when suddenly the "out of order" appears. No money, got the card. And then spent DAYS fighting the bank because the withdrawal amount had been taken from my account, without me ever receiving the money.

justpeachy1989 7

Surely they would've replaced your card as many times as needed free of charge if it was their machine's fault?