By Anonymous - 10/06/2019 00:01

Today, I was friendzoned by my boyfriend due to the fact that we never fight. Apparently, if there's no fighting, there's no passion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 936
You deserved it 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not what "friendzoned" means (if it is even a thing). You were dumped, not friendzoned. Sorry about that.

Wadlaen 23

And that was not a good enough reason for you to start a fight..?


That's not what "friendzoned" means (if it is even a thing). You were dumped, not friendzoned. Sorry about that.

Well shame on you both for being able to work through your issues and being civil with each other. (I’m making some assumptions here, some people don’t discuss any issues they have.) Real life isn’t a vicious (passionate) social media disagreement

It’s a thin line between love and hate. It’s a gaping chasm between love and apathy.

Wadlaen 23

And that was not a good enough reason for you to start a fight..?

Sonotsuave 35

This would really need a more in-depth explanation of your relationship which no one has time for. Assuming the lack of fighting is due to having a happy, content & fulfilled relationship, making the summation no fighting = no passion (or that the bond is somehow lesser due to lack of confrontation) is quite absurd. It’s absurd because his logic then would be to put the suggested “solution” of fighting into place. (Personally I think he wanted out and used this facade as an excuse) Now if he’s suggesting the lack of fighting is due to tip toeing around feelings or avoiding confrontation as to not deal with shared problems or to save face, then maybe he’s right about there being more work on communication skills needed and about openly declaring how you feel about problems. Pretty simple

Been with my man nine years with no fights. We talk about things