By disgusting - 31/05/2015 09:13 - United Kingdom - Thetford

Today, I uploaded a photo of myself at the beach on Facebook. The first comment it got was "Wow!! If I was 20 yrs younger, oh boy ;)". Yeah, thanks for that, grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 658
You deserved it 2 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jojimugo 20

He could just say you're beautiful... Keep that shit simple


I hope he's just trying to be friendly. It probably is just his way of saying that you're beautiful

jojimugo 20

He could just say you're beautiful... Keep that shit simple

Grandpa didn't choose thug life. The thug life chose grandpa.

Seems like you've got quite the family, OP.

I don't think 'encouragement' means what YOU think it means.

RowanNightShade 22

I'm hoping he meant well, but maybe you need to talk to your grandpa.

myoukei 31

Or just never talk to him again....

Your grandpa is 20 yrs older to you?

yeah becaused he concieved is son at the age of 9 who concieved his daughter at the age of 9 makes perfectly sense...

That actually has happened... I can't remember where but I remember hearing about a 21 year old grandparent

Nah, the youngest grandmother ever is some Roma woman who is 23.

59 that's grandmother not grandfather, guys can get older girls pregnant even if they are very young

SydLovesLacey 18

Similar shit has happened to me. (Shudders)