By Shalamar - 15/12/2009 01:30 - Canada

Today, the new guy at work - who is probably at least ten years older than I am - admired the photo on my desk of myself with my husband and teenage daughters and asked, "Are those your grandchildren?" I'm in my 40's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 335
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could be a grandma in your 40s but unlikely to teenagers... Maybe they just look young?

mahabuddha 0

Would people stop using "myself" to sound more business like. You are using incorrectly. Your sentence should read, "...admired the photo of ME, my husband and my teenage daughters..." Myself is a reflexive pronoun such as "I kicked the ball MYSELF."


You could be a grandma in your 40s but unlikely to teenagers... Maybe they just look young?

There is the implicit assumption there that the guy was estimating her age and the age of the people in the picture and then figuring out if that's a possible constellation etc. That's very unlikely though, people don't put that amount of thought into small talk, and men don't pay attention to details anyway. Sure his thought process could have been: kid looks like 16, mother perhaps around 25 when the kid was born, make same assumption for the grandmother, so age of the coworker would have to be around 25+25+16 = 66. It probably was more like this: Nice lady, must tell her about my lovely grandchildren. Oh she has a picture of children - if I ask her about her grandchildren, then I call tell her all about mine. "Are those your grandchildren?" *lady glares* Oh shit, it's just an old picture of her...

susieKiute 0

my mom is 40 and already has four grandchildren from my older siblings.

This is why I'm thankful for my baby face. It sucks now but it will pay off when I'm older.

My mom will be a grandma to a teenager when she's 47, so it's possible. My nana is only 55 and has a 20 year old grandchild (me), a 17 year old grandchild, a 16 y/o g/c, a 15 y/o grandchild, a 3 y/o g/c and two great-grandchildren aged 2 and 4.

holy shit does your family know how to use a condom?

it's ok, i'm into older women, as are others.

people shouldnt be having kids so young any damn way. its nothing to be proud of.

I'm VERY proud of my children. Maybe YOU should shup up. You sound EXTREMLY ignorant.

waterynuggets 0

I agree with #10, you sound ignorant and in more ways than one. My mom had me when she was in her late 20s. She was in her 40s when I was a teenager.

i think he meant you shouldn't have kids so early that their grandmom is 40 when they are teens

mahabuddha 0

Would people stop using "myself" to sound more business like. You are using incorrectly. Your sentence should read, "...admired the photo of ME, my husband and my teenage daughters..." Myself is a reflexive pronoun such as "I kicked the ball MYSELF."

Actually... Shouldn't it be "my children, my husband, and I"?

One_In_Three 24

It's actually considered rude in modern culture to say "me, my husband and..." because you put yourself first in the sentence, it sounds as if you think of yourself as above the people who come afterwards.

sirtrollsalotlol 0

Thats kinky, but you should be a man about it and tear your balls off!! Well, at least you helped a old women across the street. Whens the wedding? OH AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Maybe he just realised you're white trash and went on that.