By owned - 28/04/2009 14:12 - Singapore

Today, I turned 18. My parents gave me a card that read "now that you're 18, it's time for some boozy fun... you can do all the things you did before but legally!" Taped to the inside was my fake id that I "lost" three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 272
You deserved it 66 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood why people couldn't just wait until 18 to drink/smoke/etc. It's not exactly like waiting until you're 65 to retire. =/

your parents seems to be funny. thumps up!


user1101 0

your parents are pretty cool. wish my parents gave me that card

tokyooo123 0

lmao #6 is a dumbass. In most places the drinking age is not 21.

#121 It wasn't really my choice whether or not to 'stick around' but I'm glad I didn't. So you think it's okay to only teach kids about THE REST OF THE WORLD when they get to their middle teens? When their prejudices are already well formed? In any country in Europe kids will start learning about at least European history and World geography before double digits. The American education system is rubbish, and doesn't teach you as much of anything, not even maths. A friend of mine who excelled at maths, and took the highest level courses their high school had to offer and aced them, was immediately rejected from the top UK universities because he simply didn't have enough knowledge. He had not done enough of the required material. So I don't even want to consider how little maths ordinary American students know.

Enough to know that it's math, not maths :) Nah, I'm just messing with you non-Americans. Our system does need an overhaul, but we're not all stupid. My friend was doing trig in third grade. The rest of us normal kids got to trig in seventh, which still isn't bad.

in australia, the legal drinking age is 18.

To all those who are saying the OP's a moron because 'it's a felony to own a fake ID', and to those sensible folks such as #74 who acknowledge that different countries have different laws: Assuming this is in the U.K., then having their fake ID is almost certainly not a crime. As far as I can tell, most fake IDs in the U.S. are fake driving licenses, which are obviously illegal in both countries for good reasons. However, nobody in the U.K. bothers with them, because you can on the whole fool any barman with a shitty 'European Student Card' or whatever, and these are not at all illegal as they are 'for novelty purposes'. Using them to buy alcohol is illegal, but only as far as buying alcohol underage is illegal anyway (and in 2006, only 10 people were prosecuted under this law). I don't really see why this is an FML, but it's very funny. Just be glad you're legal now! I've gotta wait until July, so I'll never know the joy of having a (legal) drink at school lunch-break.

dudemitch 0

71-That must depend on the state, because it is absolutely not the case in Illinois.

kellster 2

Hahahahaha, your parents ROCK!