By ILoveLamps - 25/03/2015 06:26 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I found out that my friend's family has been using red paper to help his little brother with his potty training. "Aim for the red!" they would say to him. I guess today was a bad day to wear red pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 243
You deserved it 2 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't you know that on Wednesdays we wear pink?

I think the bigger concern is that they have conditioned their child to think "Red=urinate". Hope he doesn't want to be a fireman when he grows up. Sorry about your pants OP.


Oh god.. Don't worry, he'll get there soon :) XD

Not even close. -10 FML points for trying too hard.

no guys, number 2 is right. OP must be pretty pissed off (that's how you do it o3o)

I don't think this was pun intended. What happened was pretty shitty.

YDI for wearing red, that's never acceptable.

OP can wear whatever the hell op wants!

You deserve a thumb down. How on earth does op deserve that. He/she wasn't expecting the kid to piss on his pants. Op thought it was only for the red in the toilet.

what #3 is implying is that pants shouldn't be red. It's his opinion.

Guys, I'm pretty sure #3 was being sarcastic...

Seriously? Am I the only one to think red pants look ugly?

I think red pants are rad. But everyone has their own opinion :)

No, they're just a darker damper red now. That's how liquids work. pee doesn't magically dye things yellow.

I think the bigger concern is that they have conditioned their child to think "Red=urinate". Hope he doesn't want to be a fireman when he grows up. Sorry about your pants OP.

Must be related to Bulls going for red. And targets are red; so target hits the "mark".

Funny thing is bulls are colour-blind. The red is just there for us. (:

People have different ways of potty training my cousins aimed for Cheerios in the toilet. Using red paper to teach him isn't a big deal

ShannonBitt 29

Are they flushing the red paper? That sounds like a clog waiting to happen, even worse if they have a septic system. It's not designed to break down like toilet paper.

The flag is not just there for us. Waving the flag attracts the bull. The red is there for us, for theatrics.

They really should have told you! Sorry, OP :(

stewpididiot 11

they should put cheerios in the toilet... wait... the little nose miner would prolly pee in his cereal bowl...

Don't you know that on Wednesdays we wear pink?

And you can only wear your hair in a pony tail once a week.