By owned - 28/04/2009 14:12 - Singapore

Today, I turned 18. My parents gave me a card that read "now that you're 18, it's time for some boozy fun... you can do all the things you did before but legally!" Taped to the inside was my fake id that I "lost" three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 272
You deserved it 66 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood why people couldn't just wait until 18 to drink/smoke/etc. It's not exactly like waiting until you're 65 to retire. =/

your parents seems to be funny. thumps up!


beyotch 0

Where do you live where 18 is the legal drinking age? And hey, at least you got it back... they didn't seem to upset.

you have AWESOME parents...they didnt bust you! and where can you drink at 18?

nadz2003 0

just thank god you don't live in the US...they will have to keep that ID for another 3 years

sarenalove 0

Hah this is funny. My sister turned 18 on the twenty-eighth, too!

lol, silly americans. prohibition didnt work, get over it. that attitude to alchol is unhealthy, i've been drinking regularily since 16 and i can hold my alchol fine because i've a tolerance for it now rather than going crazy when became legal. very good fml, i would have hated to be with out my fakers for three months when i was underage! had to buy i new one that says 21 cus i'm J1ing in Cali this summer, totally blows!

his parents are cool? more like lax. if i were a father, i wouldve brought the hammer down. fake id's are pretty damn illegal.

#74 sivermoonstar The only intelligent comment in this thread, well done.

I lulz at the people who are judgemental, and being all like "O noes Felony." And 3 cheers for legal drinking at 18. I've been able to legally destroy my liver for almost 2 years now!