By owned - 28/04/2009 14:12 - Singapore

Today, I turned 18. My parents gave me a card that read "now that you're 18, it's time for some boozy fun... you can do all the things you did before but legally!" Taped to the inside was my fake id that I "lost" three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 272
You deserved it 66 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I never understood why people couldn't just wait until 18 to drink/smoke/etc. It's not exactly like waiting until you're 65 to retire. =/

your parents seems to be funny. thumps up!


#114 - how do you know the OP is from the states?

Ottawa_Sucks 0

Are the people saying "wait until you're legal" 45 year-old conservatives from the South or something? I can't think of anyone that isn't either strongly religious or under intense scrutiny from their parents that waited until they were legal to drink. The people being preachy or jumping all over everyone need to calm the **** down as well.

Jeez you people, this person obviously does NOT live in America. Get it through your heads!

to all those who keep saying stuff like "you couldn't wait until you were 18?".....think about it like this...if the drinking age is 18, you are going to want to go out (clubs and bars, etc...) when you are 17 just like how 20 year olds want to go out when their drinking age is only think its bad because you are used to the drinking age being montreal almost every single 17 year old i know goes clubbing with fake ID's... here is a link to all the legal drinking ages of the world read this...and stop asking questions, it is extremely annoying.

Your parents rule! Definitely not something to be upset about. That's funny as hell, you should be happy your parents are so chilled.

At #116: I'm Athiest and my parents don't care what I do. I still don't drink or go to clubs or anything. I think you're hanging out with the wrong crowd if every underage person you know(save for the people mentioned) does.

#67: I thought it was odd that you went to US schools but only learned American History, until I read that you were only there from the ages of 9-13. In my entire life, I have only gone to US schools, and while I only got a little bit of education about non-American history when I was that age, I learned quite a bit more about European history in 8th grade. Moreover, when I was in high school, I took a year of European history, a year of Asian history, and just over a year of American history. Even in schools that aren't as good as mine, you'll find European history to be pretty common. In college, I am learning about some pretty non-American topics, like Middle Eastern literature. Maybe you should have stuck around our education system a few more years before running your mouth. #115: You didn't think that the OP might live in a country where the drinking age is 18?

Here the legal age is 18 foor beer but most people don't seem to care about it. Especially as teenagers don't really need id to get booze, they seem to always know someone who's over 18 or looks like it or they just pay some drunk to get it for them. And then drink it in a forest somewhere. My firends started drinking when they were 13 or 14, getting alcohol didn't seem to be a huge problem. And Finns tend to be far from civilized with alcohol, probably the only thing that's preventing huge numbers of DUI accidents is the fact that you have to be 18 to drive and cars are expensive. Personally there always seem to be so many more interesting things to do that I can't be bothered with drinking, I can't even remember how old I was when I bought alcohol for the first time and even then it wasn't much and I've never been drunk (and all that with a liberal atheist upbringing). Being able to vote seemed more important.