By SweeT - 25/10/2008 16:55

Today, I tried to pick up two girls by asking them what time it was. They burst out laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 934
You deserved it 55 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pzzzz 0

so you went up to two girls and said "What time is it?" and they burst out laughing? thats a weird reaction, you should have been like "Im not trying to hit on you ***** i just need to know what time it is" and walk away so they feel bad too

chinitabonita 0


cowgod 0

yeah what he should have done was yelled "**** TIME!!!" and stick his... never mind

chinitabonita 0
AllThatHit 7

op: hey ladies! so... what time is it? girls: uh...dont you have a watch right there? op: its broken girls: ...

you know the opener always must be about the weather!!!!!111

jvjanisse 0

are you in Georgia? I saw this happen... the guy was a passenger on a moped, more people laughed.

Should have busted out the boyscout"i can tell the time of day by the position of the sun" trick might have saved ur butt

I just shat a brick looking at your pic...

mister_moops 0

what kind of pick up line is that?

pzzzz 0

so you went up to two girls and said "What time is it?" and they burst out laughing? thats a weird reaction, you should have been like "Im not trying to hit on you ***** i just need to know what time it is" and walk away so they feel bad too