Who's that weird guy?

By Anonymous - 27/12/2020 10:59

Today, I was trying to get a girl's attention, because I had a question. I shouted her name. No answer. I shouted again but louder. It wasn't her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 308
You deserved it 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This isn't so much an FML as it is a WMB (Whoops My Bad).

If you kept shouting that name, it would become her name. Don't give up.


This isn't so much an FML as it is a WMB (Whoops My Bad).

Unless she changed her identity in the instant OP called out to her, so she could avoid talking to him, in which case she was pretty ******* rude.

If you kept shouting that name, it would become her name. Don't give up.