Bad boy

By dogdays - 10/11/2014 01:12 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, I left my dog alone while I went to work, as usual. He usually hangs out in the big bay window that faces the street. Today he decided to steal my vibrator and chew it while sitting in the window. I can only imagine how many people walked by and saw it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 012
You deserved it 7 224

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stupid dog! You make me look bad! (Courage the Cowardly Dog reference x))

That is so mortifying..... Pets do some crazy things, I'm sorry OP...


That is so mortifying..... Pets do some crazy things, I'm sorry OP...

haliacc 17

They will chew up anything they can get a hold of! Laugh it off though :)

The dog was just sending out some good vibes!

Just pretend it's one of those vibrating toothbrushes.. for dogs. Yeah, I'm sure that will work.

Stupid dog! You make me look bad! (Courage the Cowardly Dog reference x))

sweetnsourrr 11

lol Some people would care, not that she has a vibrator, but because her dog was chewing on in front of the window...

Everyone has a secret, a vibrator is a secret everyone knows about. Just hide it better next time( I hope it won't happen again ?)

tony1891 22

i bet the people who walked by your window got a bad vibe.

toxic_walrus 15

I'm really enjoying imagining the job flipping out when the vibrator accidentally turns on.

That must be so embarrassing! Hopefully your street isn't busy during the day...maybe hide things from him better from now on? FYL

looks like the both of you will need me toys