By Toolmaker - 23/08/2018 15:00

Today, we got the bill from our lawyer. She'd recommended taking my common-law wife's ex-husband to court for child support, so we went to court and won. The judge awarded us over $8300! The bill came to $18,000. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 930
You deserved it 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you got scammed by your own lawyer.

Ummm that's bullshit sounds like that lawyer fleeced to you I'd be taking to the Court's that's an outrageous amount 🤔😒😵


Common-law is only legally recognized in certain states...

That has nothing whatsoever to do with this post.

Evidently, it’s recognized in the OP’s state. You should have asked for enough to cover the legal expenses.

Should have negotiated a commission based fee not hourly.

Ummm that's bullshit sounds like that lawyer fleeced to you I'd be taking to the Court's that's an outrageous amount 🤔😒😵

what??? 17

you got hosed by the lawyer and next time include lawyer fees and court costs in your complaint next time

Sounds like you got scammed by your own lawyer.

So your lawyer screwed you but won the case? I think this is the textbook definition of getting a reach-around while bent over a barrel.

Your new lawyer is gonna have something to say about this! Maybe even your new new lawyer!

Guess now you know why she recommended it!

tounces7 27

And this is why people hate lawyers.

Things I ask before taking on a lawyer to further my case: How much will it cost? How much will I get out? If the money I get out is less than your cost, what then? Would you be willing to work for a % of the payout? <-- I have never hired a lawyer, but these are the most common sense questions to ask before getting one

Are you certain the ex husband didn’t already know the lawyer? $$$

Usually before you decide to hire a lawyer they tell you how much it will cost. So it really shouldn't have been a problem.