By razgriz1 - 20/08/2009 05:45 - United States

Today, I took a cute girl out to an arcade date, and mercilessly dominated her in every game there, to the point she refused to talk to me afterwards. Gamer Pride: 1 - Getting Laid: 0. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 260
You deserved it 101 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IMB916 0

You took her to an arcade?! so u could beat her at all the games...? YDI

Xinabeth 0

I am going to say YDI. You shouldn't have "mercilessly dominated" her in the games; you should have let her win a couple at least (IMO).


If you took her to an arcade on what must have been an early date for you two, and she refused to talk to you after, you must both be incredibly young, so I imagine 'getting laid' wasn't really an option anyway.

YDI- why would a girl want to play video games with someone who purposely beats her- if you wanted to look good you should have at least let her win a couple rounds so she could have enjoyed herself. It's not a competition- it's supposed to be a fun date- but apparently you never figured that out. And guys wonder why girls don't like to play video games with them most of the time- it's cuz of people like you.

ihatestupidppl 0

Tsk tsk boyfriend is a gamer too, but he at least waited till after I was his girlfriend to start owning me lol. YDI for jumping the gun, buddy.

emmi6 0

U took her on an arcarde date?! Wat did u expect!!!

As a girl, I absolutely hate it when guys just let me win at things, especially without me knowing that they're letting me. I can't say I enjoy being mercilessly dominated either, especially if I get beat so fast that I don't have a chance to get my footing and improve. There is definitely a middle ground to find.

What's up with people being so serious about the games? Feeling bad for losing or not playing the game fairly and whatnot isn't the problem. It's a D-A-T-E! You're suppose to focus on her and if she's enjoying herself. Not to say you shouldn't be having fun to, but you've obviously neglected how she feels! YDI for being an ass.

Well, it sounds to me like she was pissy about not winning, not that she wasn't having fun... which, yeah, she obviously wasn't, but it was because she wasn't winning. If she needs to win all the time to "have fun" well.. OP needs a new girlfriend. If it WAS just about not having fun, I'm sure she would have had her little hissyfit long before then. Also, most chicks I've talked to would hate it if the guy's focus was completely on about how she's feeling. A friend of mine even said "If he keeps asking about stupid stuff like that, then it just seems to tell me that he doesn't care about me really, he just cares about how good a job he's doing on the date."

On another note, your girlfriend's a puss for not being able to handle losing. If you're not good, you're not good. Who the hell wants to get a free pass? That's bullshit and kind of shows you think she can't handle playing a stupid game.... which apparently she can't, but that's besides the point. It's a ******* game.

There's a great game where the girl usually wins and everybody's happy. It's called: COUNT THE ORGASMS I can lose 10-1 and be proud of myself. If I lose 15-2, that is even better, and if I get trounced 25-3, that's a great night. Shutouts are bad, real bad. I can look the girl in the eye, keep my head(s) held high and say, "I did my best, but came up short, er, average, totally average!" This game wasn't invented in the book, 1984, but the slogan is "Losing is winning."