By razgriz1 - 20/08/2009 05:45 - United States

Today, I took a cute girl out to an arcade date, and mercilessly dominated her in every game there, to the point she refused to talk to me afterwards. Gamer Pride: 1 - Getting Laid: 0. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 260
You deserved it 101 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IMB916 0

You took her to an arcade?! so u could beat her at all the games...? YDI

Xinabeth 0

I am going to say YDI. You shouldn't have "mercilessly dominated" her in the games; you should have let her win a couple at least (IMO).


You didn't want to date a n00b anyway

satanstoystore 0

you did her a favor. please dont breed until youre mature.

riotz 0

dude. as a gamer girl, let me be the first to say that she wasn't worth it. kicking her ass at games is hardcore and totally hawt. h a w t. if she had kicked your ass, you'd be all over her, eh? seriously, if she's not into the stuff yer into, she isn't worth your time.

LeCielNousAide 7

the thing is, the girl was probably pissy because she wasn't winning. as a gamer girl, i have beaten many of my guy friends and (now) ex boyfriends at the games, even if it was the first time i picked it up. so it's not about whether the girl had played the games or not before, or even if she was a gamer. anyone can learn how to press A and move a joystick. the girl acted like a five year old throwing a hissy because she didn't win. therefore, it's an FYL unless he was doing an annoying victory dance after every game.

AXavierB 1

This could either be FML or YDI depending on the details If you took her to the arcade just to show her how much better than her you are at video games, then YDI. However, if you were both just playing for fun and she was just bad at it, then it was her fault for being such a sore loser.

Mancubus 2

You took a girl on a date to the arcade? Where's the second date gonna be? The convenience store?

toodlelido 0

youre and ass. lol video games are fun but if its a date with a chick... she wants to win sometimes... lol thats half the fun and half the formula to getting laid. i would personally be pissed if u did that to me. stupid ass domination doesnt mean shit if u piss us off

Dude you were playing a chick more like gamer pride 0 getting laid 0

ohshitcock 0

You sound like a total loser, you're lucky you even had a date to begin with.

To all the idiots that said this guy is a loser, shut the **** up. He IS a loser, but not for taking his date to an arcade. He's a loser because he didn't cater to the girl's needs. Ask your girl/guy what THEY want to play, and if you "mercilessly dominate her", simply say "good game" and move on. If she expresses a desire to get better, offer your services, don't troll her. If not, move on. Don't act like an ass. It's ok to be competitive, but not overly so. ...take this from a guy who's girlfriend regularly kicks his ass in Capcom v. SNK 2. (She uses C-Groove Bison, King, and Chun-Li, BTW, in case you're interested, whereas I use C-Groove Terry, Ken, and King.)