Her plan!
By "Tarun Kumar" - 03/12/2019 14:00
By "Tarun Kumar" - 03/12/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 16/09/2023 22:00
By garrett - 14/02/2019 15:11 - United States
By what did I do? - 15/10/2015 19:30 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 18/09/2024 08:00 - United States - Denver
By Nafypoo - 21/11/2018 22:00
By Anonymous - 19/10/2009 23:51 - Canada
By Whatswrongwithme? - 03/11/2013 09:57 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 01/11/2014 18:23 - United States - Cincinnati
By Anon - 02/01/2023 12:00
By BrokeAndPsst - 12/04/2011 04:27 - United States
Dude, you failed her test
Better get strokin'.
She wanted to play but you destoryed her.
Come on man! You got to lose to win!
What a drama queen
Guaranteed you're single
Getting your ass kicked gets frustrating. Everyone knows that. Usually we know how our partners handle it. When my husband sand I play games, if one is getting frustrated, we change games or ease up a little. If the one losing is laughing about it, we continue the beating. Reaction was extreme, but my guess is you already knew she overreacts to things.
You are kinda ruthless at your FIFA game. You're supposed to ease up on your better half. Now she is ruthless on her game. Enjoy your win.
She wanted to play but you destoryed her.