By Fire_Princess16 - 17/10/2017 04:20

Today, my boyfriend managed to convince me that Australia was called a penal colony because all the prisoners were men. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 824
You deserved it 3 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, well, now you know that it was called a penal colony because it was penis shaped.

sumocj 14

Did you two discuss the Virgin Islands?


If you look up at the ceiling it says "gullible" in tiny letters.

Haha, well, now you know that it was called a penal colony because it was penis shaped.

I thought it was because they only used pens from Alabama?

That’s a penile colony. Sometimes, it’s just more convenient to humor idiots than to waste your energy persuading them of the truth.

saffy66 34

It would be sad enough if he just tried to convince you. That you said he actually managed to convince you is way beyond sad.

sumocj 14

Did you two discuss the Virgin Islands?

It's a penile colony because the guys in there are a bunch of dicks.

Well, Australia does happen to be known as the land down under...

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Trust me, never were we called that ??