By veggiepower11028 - 31/05/2011 12:02

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He responded with, "That's nice. You know what I love? Chicken wings. Let's go get some." Apparently, he doesn't remember I'm a vegetarian either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 855
You deserved it 8 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HyundaiOwner7 0


Why dump him? he has a sense of humor, he was probobly joking jeez

Twist0 0
MxRusko 0

What a jerk! I'm a vegatarian too and my mum always forgets

R1CK75 1
R1CK75 1

aww, that's not cool and animals aren't for eating :(

destroyer713 0

lmaooo if u didnt think that was at least a tad funny u cud jus get bent