By Anonymous - 03/07/2015 19:29 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He replied by telling me to fuck off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 676
You deserved it 3 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you're not dating him anymore. Get a guy who will treat you with respect. FYL OP.

Now might be a good time to tell him good bye.


I hope you're not dating him anymore. Get a guy who will treat you with respect. FYL OP.

i guess canadians aren't so nice afterall

ok ok lets not jump right into the breakup posts already. like what if op was being a general bitch and said I love you after getting him in a bad mood? at that point I belive she'd deserve it, but we'd need more info to tell :/

JMichael 25

I'm gonna go on a whim here and say that hopefully OP's boyfriend was just joking around. If not then yea you don't need to be with someone that disrespectful.

I disagree. Even if OP got him in a bad mood before saying "I love you," that's not a good reason to so rudely disregard her after simply saying she loves him.

seriously? not even in the worst of times is that acceptable.

lexiieeex3 32

Is this one of those jokes though?

Now might be a good time to tell him good bye.

mds9986 24

Maybe he just freaked out? I don't think OP should leave immediately. Maybe he got really nervous and just blurted that out. OP needs to talk about it first before breaking up.

#16 when you're nervous you shouldn't tell someone to **** off. It's rude especially after being told you're loved.

mds9986 24

I didn't say it wasn't wrong, but it's not a reason to break up. Plus, some people can't really control what you say when you're nervous like that.

Lose him! If he's not truly head over heels for you, he's not worth it. You deserve better.

Well **** you too? He's not ready yet to say it back...give it time OP...or just move on...but I recommend moving on

Lol people are getting upset because he didn't say it back but where in the world does it say that two people have to fall in love at the same time? the issue is how he replied. It showed that he has no respect for OP or her feelings. Either that or you two have your labels mixed up. Good luck Op. You deserve better though.

It's not the fact the he didn't say it back, he told OP **** off if he didn't want to say it or wasn't ready to say it then he could of choose to say something else that wasn't so messed up.

It might not necessarily be the first time they've said "I love you". I'm not defending him, because that's just rude, but without context, it's hard to really know. Maybe they had just had a fight and he was still mad? Maybe it was a bad joke? Maybe he's just an asshole?

I'm glad someone else realizes that without context it's impossible to make a proper judgement

yea dnt have enough context at this point. maybe OP cheated on him and said I'm sorry I love you....nm else to say if that was the case

Sometimes you have to think twice on who you choose to date

Anyone who says she deserves this should feel horrible and leave the FML community

Maybe she does deserve it. There is no context so we wont know.

I get the feeling as though he may not consider himself your boyfriend...

sounds to me like the "boyfriend" feels stalked. Maybe OP isn't aware that he isn't her boyfriend.

I feel like there is some important context we're missing here...