American exceptionalism

By Smh - 21/03/2022 14:00

Today, I was berated, then unfriended and blocked on Facebook by an Ukrainian girl, all because I reacted with a “Care” on Facebook on her status about her family back home dealing with the war. Apparently, I’m a “hypocrite” for voting for warmonger Biden, thus “getting them in this mess.” Huh? FML
I agree, your life sucks 984
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suspect it’s more that you were a convenient outlet for her fear and anger and worry than anything either you or Biden did, honestly. I’m still sorry to hear it.

All US presidents are war mongers, but let your friend be mad. She's wrong, but she's also experiencing a massive ******* trauma right now. She can examine her knee jerk reactions later. It's very clear that either vote would have been a bad one.


I suspect it’s more that you were a convenient outlet for her fear and anger and worry than anything either you or Biden did, honestly. I’m still sorry to hear it.

Biden did that! There's stickers that say so.

Lord_Hades 14

All US presidents are war mongers, but let your friend be mad. She's wrong, but she's also experiencing a massive ******* trauma right now. She can examine her knee jerk reactions later. It's very clear that either vote would have been a bad one.