By veggiepower11028 - 31/05/2011 12:02

Today, I told my boyfriend that I love him. He responded with, "That's nice. You know what I love? Chicken wings. Let's go get some." Apparently, he doesn't remember I'm a vegetarian either. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 855
You deserved it 8 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HyundaiOwner7 0


hmm... does he remember your name? or do you have to remind him while he eats the chicken?

a_nutritionist 10

@245 oh **** off you cocksucking twatbag.

lol sounds like something my fiancé would say...actually he has said that before...except my fiancé was being sarcastic. I'm sure you just have a bad sense of humor.

sebya 0

dump him before it's too late.

first off, you picked him... second, go eat a steak, humans are omnivores