By notsoskinny - 18/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I gained a few pounds and thought I looked fat. He replied that I looked the same and that I shouldn't worry because he likes fat girls. I never thought I was fat before this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 943
You deserved it 18 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you say that you think you look fat and then say that you never thought you were fat before this?


rednova 0

wow stop whining its your fault your fat

You set him up for failure on this one. Girls are so stupid! Why do you ask questions with no right answer to guys who will always pick the most wrong one? Stupid insecure bitches.

mj2123 0

OMG, are people really this dumb? She didn't feel fat before. She has since gained weight and now does feel fat. That's not complicated. *Feeling* fat doesn't mean she really is, but given the emphasis on thinness and perfection in western society, it's understandable that she is self critical for not staying thinner. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with fishing for compliments. And even if her bf really does like fat women, he's not in all *that* small a minority. Of course, it's likely that by fat he means curvy, which isn't really fat, but does necessitate a woman having fat on her body. BTW, the correct answer to something like this is, and always should be, "you look beautiful and always have." Of course you're not going to convince her she isn't fat if she truly believes it, but don't dig a hole by saying you like fat girls.

GeekN 0

mlif --> right answers are: i like you just fine, no you're not fat (white lies never hurt anyone). I know it's annoying that girls complain about their weight even when they're not fat but the reason they do it is because they want you to reassure them they're not. Unfair but if you play along. As for me? I don't need to "do anything about it" because I'm skinny I just have wide hips hence a wide ass.

he still thinks your beautiful :) and i bet you are. he was probably just trying to compliment you :)

I bet she's not beautiful at all!!!! BOOM BABBA BOOM

Jabulls 0

#44 I wish I was your friend, because thats a long post on some bullshit FML and well, if you had friends you wouldnt waste that much time. Im sorry.

meddude 0

wait. you told your boyfriend that you thought you looked fat, but you didn't really think you were fat until he said so? uhh...what? see this is why us guys hate talking to you girls. you say stuff with the sole purpose of hoping we say the opposite. SAY WHAT YOU ******* MEAN AND WE'LL ALL BE HAPPY.

I KNOW! finally someone who gets me. I'm a girl too but I get totally pissed off when girls are like I'm so fat :( boo hoo for you but if we say no you're not you'll just argue back and we say yes your fat go lose weight then they call you a bitch and will never talk to u again. I mean like SHUT THE **** UP OP!

mj2123 0

#48 That doesn't really even deserve a response, but at the very least I can call you an idiot for attempting to call me out on a post that took all of 30 seconds to type.

#44, when you're the boyfriend in the situation, it gets to be a real ******* drag when you not only have to say that all the time to a girl with low self esteem, but also argue with them when they inevitably dissent and get all whiny saying they ARE fat. It's never a "honey, you're not fat!" "aww, thank you baby! I love you!" No, the woman will repeatedly refute the guy's opinion and argue, and eventually the guy loses his patience from repeating himself and they have a fight then, if not later when the woman wants to bring it up again. Guys are all for reassurance and can use some confidence boosts themselves, but with a woman it is almost NEVER as simple as that. Not by a ******* longshot.