By notsoskinny - 18/04/2009 16:13 - United States

Today, I told my boyfriend that I gained a few pounds and thought I looked fat. He replied that I looked the same and that I shouldn't worry because he likes fat girls. I never thought I was fat before this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 943
You deserved it 18 634

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you say that you think you look fat and then say that you never thought you were fat before this?


Clutch118 0

You never thought you looked fat, yet you said you do. STOP fishing for compliments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Women lol

gleidu77 0

i can see any guy saying this without realizing he's calling the girl fat. this isn't an fml at all, its just a funny / unfortunate story.

MakinBacon 0

How is this an FML? You now know that you can pig out on Big Macs and Fries without losing your boyfriend!

No, no you're so awesome and not at all fat. Here, have some snacks.

Ladies like you give inexperienced gentlemen like #9 false impressions of ladies in general. Please stop.

beany212 0

I love how when people post comments that are really long and meaningful like #7 for example. Because when they were doen they are probably like "HA! I told them!" and at the dinner table they go "Hey, Mom, I made a smart comment today! YAY!" Hahahahahahaha. Losers. Poor you, but I don't think he meant that you were fat. Just that if you gained weight then he would still love you. Sweet guy. If you don't marry him, I will. =)

I think he was saying that he 'liked fat chicks anyways' to make you feel better about yourself, because saying 'your not fat' never works, the response is always 'yes I am'. He doesn't think you're fat, you do, so he wanted to say something that wouldn't be correcting you and that he still thought you were attractive