By oops1234 - 16/04/2009 14:38 - United States

Today, I discovered that I had left my sunroof open all night during a storm and my front seats was soaked. I grabbed a towel for my seat but didn't close my sunroof because it was nice out. As I pull out of my driveway, I felt something wet hit my forehead. A bird shit on me through my sunroof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 509
You deserved it 17 451

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kickinchicken213 3

Man these FMLs just keep getting better and better! YDI for the rain incident however the bird droppings were totally uncalled for. This would be a 'put both arms in the air, look to the heavens and scream "whyyy???"' moment in my book.

The rain your fault, the random bird not your fault.


elfuzzo 0

ydi for owning a car with a sunroof

lizzilla8297 2

totally a YDI. sorry man, you totally had that coming.

mrlopez 13

Somehow it's a YDI because that's the type of car he likes? Jackasses

So when someone gets out and gets sniped by a bird its his fault? No. Its no-one's fault. The world is a combination of atoms in a random order. There's no "fault", no "bad" or "good". Just random.

The rain your fault, the random bird not your fault.

*The rain was your fault. The random bird was not your fault.

hahahahahhhah gutter. isn't that supposed to be good luck anyway?

Kickinchicken213 3

Man these FMLs just keep getting better and better! YDI for the rain incident however the bird droppings were totally uncalled for. This would be a 'put both arms in the air, look to the heavens and scream "whyyy???"' moment in my book.

#5, it seems he shouldnt do that, with his luck a 2nd bird would flying over, lol

*It seems like he shouldn't do that. With his luck, a second bird would fly over.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#5 & 6, LOL. But wow, if you heard the rain I'd check on my car, if I could drive and had a car w/ a sun roof. but then again that was how I was raised, sides the fact I'm really forgetful. That sucks. I bet your ass i still wet.

#7, they might have folded the towel, works well if you do that. Also makes you look taller. =] This is a mix of FYL and YDI.... Not sure which one to pick.

bread_fml 0