Karen's aquarium

By agrant93 - 21/05/2021 01:02 - United States - Nampa

Today, I got called a racist because I refused to sell a woman a bunch of rather large 4-inch goldfish for a 10-gallon aquarium. These fish get 10 inches long and she wanted 20 of them. Essentially, she screamed at me for a half-hour, asking to speak to my manager. I'm the manager. She called corporate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 848
You deserved it 128

agrant93 tells us more.

agrant93 6

To clarify we're both white

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

This sounds like one of those scary math problems lol What an idiot. I’m so glad you didn’t sell to her. Those poor fish! You definitely did the right thing, and I hope the corporate office took your side!

It actually is their responsibility. Saying it’s not is like saying it’s not a cooks job to make sure chicken is cooked thoroughly before serving or it’s not a surgeon’s job to sew you back up.


agrant93 6

To clarify we're both white

Ambrily 27

Geez, I'm so sorry OP. Doesn't that qualify as animal abuse, by the way? If you witness blatant animal abuse, do you have a way/an obligation to report it? My goodness. :(

Kraths 16

I gotta specify which one when I say that. I have eight at work that are all regulars, only one of which isn't an actual Karen just some unfortunate soul whose parents named her Karen

At least you have a clear conscience, she shouldn't have fish of she doesn't want to take Proper care of them.

Marcella1016 31

This sounds like one of those scary math problems lol What an idiot. I’m so glad you didn’t sell to her. Those poor fish! You definitely did the right thing, and I hope the corporate office took your side!

thatswhatshesaid 3

The math sounds right, but it's been a while since I last saw a full grown goldfish, I need to reconfirm, you know, for quality control and verification purposes.

Frankly, I think you should have sold the fish without asking about the aquarium. It’s not your responsibility what customers do with their fish. I appreciate that you love living creatures including fish and that this was not a wise purchase for the customer. But that’s really not your responsibility.

Actually, it might be store policy. For instance, some pet stores won't sell live rodents to reptile owners- employees have to ask per store policy and they can get fired if they dont follow it.

Jon Tessler 14

a 10 gallon tank is TINY. putting to many fish in it, especially when they will outgrow the size of the tank, will kill all the fish.

It actually is their responsibility. Saying it’s not is like saying it’s not a cooks job to make sure chicken is cooked thoroughly before serving or it’s not a surgeon’s job to sew you back up.

GoogieWithers 22

You did the right thing, OP. At least the fish haven't got to write a FML.

I'm really curious if corporate would have had do the sale regardless. I mean chances are that the women in question is just going to go to your competitors or even back to your shop and just lie about the size of the tank or not disclose it to begin with.

Yummi_913 18

Sighhhh I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain to customers why a 10 gallon CAN'T be used for 90% of the fish in the store. It's annoying af but I've usually had luck getting though to them. The people I couldn't get through to are the stupid fish bowl people! Stores shouldn't even be selling that shit. And I could freaking RANT about people keeping beta fish in their god damn cups! ajdjxinakaosnsnsicjswcoxnahsgxusj