By B - 18/04/2011 08:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought it would be funny to tickle my daughter's foot, which she hates. One bloody nose, multiple scratches and 4 toe-shaped bruises later, she's the one laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 639
You deserved it 58 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1O 0

This one all on you OP lol. if your son said he hated getting kicked in the balls would you still do it?

sammi955 0

ydi. if you know she hates it why do it?


ydi for giving birth to Chuck Norris, making him grow up as a girl, and then tickling his feet when you know he doesn't like it. just be thankful you're still alive

sammie1322 1

Your comment : haha, my mom did that once. except i was at head height alseep on a bunkbed. she was attempting to wake me up by tickling my feet... she got a swift kick to the face (she also had her glasses on)!!!! I woke up laughing my ass off when I realized what happened!

moron! why are you deliberately torturing her? put her up for adoption so some nice family can take care of her. don't have any more children. you are an idiot.

shift_love 13

dude everyone commenting on "that'll learn you" stfu it's an expression I seriously doubt that dude talks like that it's just meant to sound funny

Sinkhole 26

Just to add a bit to what pendatik said, if you look up 'learn' in urban dictionary, the first definition says "To learn is to acquire knowledge of a chosen area of study. IT IS NOT TO TEACH SOMEONE SOMETHING! The learner is taught not learned." So, you really have no excuse, heybuddy2344.

queenoftrash 0

why does anyone think it's funny to tickle anyone who dislikes it? It makes me nauceas and it is painful...that isn't funny at all! I'd kick you in the face, too!