By B - 18/04/2011 08:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought it would be funny to tickle my daughter's foot, which she hates. One bloody nose, multiple scratches and 4 toe-shaped bruises later, she's the one laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 639
You deserved it 58 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1O 0

This one all on you OP lol. if your son said he hated getting kicked in the balls would you still do it?

sammi955 0

ydi. if you know she hates it why do it?


lest ye be looking for a future ass kicking, dont do it anymore. i dont blame her

You deserve it. If you touch someone in a way they don't like, and they say they don't like it, you deserve any retaliation you receive.

reddwarf_fml 0
monnanon 13

This type of fml makes me glad i don't have tickely feet. You shouldn't have done it OP and in my opinion you deserve it, you know she hates it yet you tickled her anyway.


If she hates it, DON'T DO IT. I bet when she gets older you're going to tell her not to let people touch her in ways she doesn't like and you probably teach her about stranger danger. And yet you're touching her in ways she doesn't like. It might seem little and silly, but you're still teaching her that it's okay for people to invade her personal space and ignore her boundaries. Playing is fine, but if someone isn't enjoying it, STOP.