By B - 18/04/2011 08:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought it would be funny to tickle my daughter's foot, which she hates. One bloody nose, multiple scratches and 4 toe-shaped bruises later, she's the one laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 639
You deserved it 58 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1O 0

This one all on you OP lol. if your son said he hated getting kicked in the balls would you still do it?

sammi955 0

ydi. if you know she hates it why do it?


RunnerDudeTyler 0

This is my type of FML I love girls feet!

RunnerDudeTyler 0

Awww why so many thumbs down? I can't help that girls feet are awesome to me :)

russianspy1234 11

You think its funny to do things girls hate?

No it can't. But I'll give you a break because I wouldn't expect someone that doesn't know their "to" from their "too" to know that.

notquite69 0
Capt_Oblivious 10

You're right, it was funny. For her and us.

Being an extremely ticklish person myself, all I can say is YDI.

lmaoatall 6

I have to hand it to you for being persistent. I think I would have stopped after the bloody nose. you truely are the tickle monster.