By Dmessmer1 - 05/06/2016 08:37 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I gave my dad $40 and asked him if he can get me lunch on his way back home. Long story short he came back empty handed telling me it was my fault for trusting him with McNuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 112
You deserved it 1 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Geez, his lack of impulse control is not your fault. Tell him he needs to pay you the money back. You gave him YOUR money to get him to do you a favour, he failed at that favour, so now he needs to reimburse you.


I'm wondering how he managed to spend $40 on McNuggets.

I'm wondering how he managed to eat $40 of McNuggets.

Geez, his lack of impulse control is not your fault. Tell him he needs to pay you the money back. You gave him YOUR money to get him to do you a favour, he failed at that favour, so now he needs to reimburse you.

You can get 40 nuggets for $10. maybe the guy got $40 worth of nuggets?

I'm just guessing that $40 was for both your lunches

50pc nuggets is $10.This is enough for 200 nuggets.

Who can resist those all white meat crunchy chicken nuggets?

Mm, I know right? The sweet flavoring of ammonia and cancer. So yummy!

Wendy's nuggets, yes. Those are heaven. McDonald's nuggets, bleh. They're always so crispy to the point they're almost dry.

People that would rather eat a proper chicken breast than anything deep fried and processed?

They smell lime a movie theatre. Have you picked one up and smelled..???

You do realize mcdonalds chicken nuggets are leftovers from Tyson chicken. All the WORST parts of a chicken (Literally).

Junkfood shouldn't be considered lunch!

Not everyone has time to prepare a lunch, and every once in a while it won't kill you. This fml went over your head.

Go have a good cry if you're afraid of chicken nuggets. They won't kill you.

if you had 40 dollars why not order pizza?

Helldemon 32

When I worked at McD I had two guy's come in and give me around 70 dollars and they told me they wanted all Nuggets with it. Think it was 260 nuggets total.