By B - 18/04/2011 08:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I thought it would be funny to tickle my daughter's foot, which she hates. One bloody nose, multiple scratches and 4 toe-shaped bruises later, she's the one laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 639
You deserved it 58 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

1O 0

This one all on you OP lol. if your son said he hated getting kicked in the balls would you still do it?

sammi955 0

ydi. if you know she hates it why do it?


you're an awful father. if you know she hates it why upset her for no apparent reason? fhl

Happytr33friends 0

Aww man OP that sucks D: But if I were you, It would've been a serious whooping with the belt for her, though that's just my opinion

Parent purposely antagonizes the child, child reacts (I hate people touching my feet... I tend to kick multiple times to ensure that the person lets go and backs off) and you think its right to hit the child with something that can leave welts? NO. that borders on abuse (legally in my state at least. if it leaves a mark, the police can be called.)

awwh does she only have 4 toes? why would you do something that you know she hates?

lighters_fml 4

#101, WTF?!?!?! you would whip her because you done something that she hates and you get kicked in the face. What the hell is wrong with you? your perspective is unfair to the kid.

okk ur daughter has some problems. how about dicapline?? plus u shouldnt of done that in the first place! :/

insanelyXnikki 18

Don't do something to someone if you know they hate it lol