By June - 19/05/2009 21:51 - Canada

Today, I thought I could stay on the phone and go to the bathroom without him noticing. My mom knocks on the door and without even thinking, I yelled "I'M ON THE TOILET!" He said "ew.." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 623
You deserved it 74 770

Same thing different taste


So what? If he intends to be with you, he has to accept that you go to the bathroom once in a while.

Gross. I hate when people I'm on the phone with say "HANG ON, I'M JUST GONNA PEE" and bring the ******* phone in with them. Just call me back in a few minutes, I don't need to hear you on the toilet...

I myself don't mind the sound of tinkling. :)

Eh, shit happens. It's not really an FML. And if he's a goober enough to say 'eww' then who cares?

I don't understand why people use the bathroom while on the phone. It's just inappropriate.

I hate having to talk to people while I'm in the bathroom. I call it my "shitter silence" rule (or "potty peace" in front of my younger relatives). If you talk to me while I'm in the bathroom, I won't respond until I exit the room. Obviously, this means I would never, EVER take my phone into the bathroom with me. If I were the OP's male-counterpart-of-unspecified-nature, I would've told her I'd call her back when she wasn't excreting waste. Ugh. That's just rude.

Sounds like he's not desperate enough to talk to somebody when they're taking a dump.

123sploosh 0

haah that's funny, i can see that happening to me. but its totally natural you people are wack

I do this allll the time when I'm on the phone with my boyfriend.. it use to embarrass the HELL out of me though, so I'd just mute it or tell him I'd be right back. Well, going pee that is. If one of us has to take a crap or something, we just say give me a few minutes or call you back in a bit. Don't do that type of stuff if you aren't comfortable around the person enough to actually be a human :) and #54 pretty much just made my day haha

you can always tell when someone is talking to you from the stall.