It's not me, it's you

By LoserSingleDude - 09/11/2022 12:00

Today, I found out about of my ex, who I was with for 6 years, getting married. Normally I wouldn’t care, except she rejected my marriage proposal just about a year ago, saying she wanted to “be single for a while and wasn’t ready.” I can’t help but think what does the other dude have that I don’t have that made her change her mind? FML
I agree, your life sucks 817
You deserved it 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She didn't want to be with you. It's nothing to do with what he has, she probably hadn't met him yet, and more about what the two of you didn't have. I want to be single = I want to keep the option to break up without a divorce because this doesn't feel right. It might not even be anything you did or didn't do. Just go find someone who does want you.

you weren't right for her. what the other person has that you don't is he's not you. you just weren't a right fit. you should be thankful because you probably avoided a Divorce in the future. You'll find your person.


I'm gonna bet a bigger penis. Makes much more sense than chosing someone over money, which can be earned or lost.

She didn't want to be with you. It's nothing to do with what he has, she probably hadn't met him yet, and more about what the two of you didn't have. I want to be single = I want to keep the option to break up without a divorce because this doesn't feel right. It might not even be anything you did or didn't do. Just go find someone who does want you.

Penis, money and/or sense of humor. There are many ways you can be overshadowed. Maybe the most attractive feature about the other guy is his "not-you-ness."

you weren't right for her. what the other person has that you don't is he's not you. you just weren't a right fit. you should be thankful because you probably avoided a Divorce in the future. You'll find your person.

Not every pairing works out. Don’t obsess over your ex. What she told you was either a version of the “it’s not you, it’s me” (trying to help your feelings) or just that ultimately you weren’t the one she wanted to marry. Whatever the reason, it’s over - Move on.

Nix188 13

hate to be the one to say it, but you were the attractive one available at the time. she knew this. you suited her needs for the time she needed it and found a better (maybe, maybe not) suitor. you weren't the one for her and she's definitely not the one for you. find someone who actually loves you

mssskatie 3

I’m so sorry OP. I know this is hard. I was left and he married right away. To top it off after he met her he texted me “thank you for helping me become the man I am” that ******* HURT! But now I’m with someone incredible and his ex is wondering why not her. She had trauma and could be toxic and he did everything he could to help her and their relationship. I’m dreading th day she finds out we’re getting married because I don’t want her to feel the “why wasn’t I good enough or why not me” It ducking sucks bro. I’m so sorry. But at the end of they day it just wasn’t meant to be and you WILL find your person just might not look the way you wanted or planned. But I promise you’ll find happiness one way or another. Hang in there!