Dump the dump

By lily anne - 30/01/2022 02:00

Today, my mom screamed my name five times while I was on the toilet. When I was done, I went to her and she said, “Why the FUCK did you not immediately drop what you were doing and rush to help me with the dishes?” Apparently, the fact that I was pooping wasn’t a good enough excuse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 434
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Clean dishes with your shitty butt and not flush the toilet to get the message of importance of pooping straight to the maniacal lady.

Because poops don't drop immediately. And if you did rush to her aid, you'd handle the dishes with shit-hands and negate the washing.


Clean dishes with your shitty butt and not flush the toilet to get the message of importance of pooping straight to the maniacal lady.

Because poops don't drop immediately. And if you did rush to her aid, you'd handle the dishes with shit-hands and negate the washing.