By AllergicToRosesAndSingle - 15/02/2018 01:30

Today, I surprised my girlfriend with origami roses, as I am highly allergic to real ones. Her response? To scream at me and slam the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 059
You deserved it 444

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have used dollar bills as the origami paper. If you used hundreds, you’d be getting laid for months!


Wintermelons 19

Someone must not have been feeling rosy!

Aurora25 29

You should have used dollar bills as the origami paper. If you used hundreds, you’d be getting laid for months!

Now is the time to throw down! You must enter the gauntlet of rosedom and prove once and for all that she is worth the fire and fury! Or, you know, date someone who isn't crazy.

What. A. Right. ****. **** that's awesome you made those for her.

Clearly it took OP so long to make the flowers everyone assumed he was dead. His girlfriend clearly didn't take too kindly to a ghost on her front porch.

I hope you dump her sorry ass. what a bitch!!

tounces7 27

I mean are you just now seeing that she's psycho?