By xoxoblondee - 25/02/2017 07:00 - United States - Valley Village

Today, I learned the hard way why no matter how constipated you are, it is never a good idea to use a suppository when you are tired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 254
You deserved it 1 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's constipation; you'd be learning the hard way no matter what, OP.


It's constipation; you'd be learning the hard way no matter what, OP.

I'm sure you had a hard night, but its passed now.... ? I'll see myself out

species4872 19

There's just no answer for that.

Bedcrapping: Infinitely more humiliating than bed wetting.

On one hand, curious about the full story. On the other hand, if I was OP, I'd kick back with some popcorn and let people's imaginations run wild with this one.

Happens to the best of us. Don't worry about it.

mcruff 12

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